64. CNN: Taitz Shut Down Over Obama’s Social Security Number Fraud – 4/15/11

LINKS: Attorney Orly Taitz should be given a medal for her non-stop efforts to expose the big fat fraud squatting in the White House. Taitz appeared on CNN’s John King (no different than O’Reilly) show where they tried to make the Arizona proof of eligibility law about race. She then brought up Obama’s Social Security number and Selective Service registration and all hell broke loose. The segment aired 4/15/2011. Hat tip to Mediaite for the clip. (see how easy that is, Mediaite?) P.S., go here for a full explanation from Atty Taitz on Obama’s SS#. –http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogsp… –

http://www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com –

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