48. MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O’donnell with The Last Word

An excellent piece of main stream coverage on this past weekend, I’m sure this video wont be up long, but figured the folks looking at the vids on this channel would appreciate it.

Thanks for an excellent piece Lawrence O’donnel

Follow the live stream of the occupy wall street protests here:

This may seem insignificant to some, but this is where REAL reform starts.

These protests are filled with individual who have a quarrel with how corrupt our government and federal bank have become. Many have their own message, many just know they are not happy and want to create a better society for themselves and their fellow Americans.

The corruption of the FED is avoided by the main stream media, make your own assumptions as to why, but one of the goals of these protestors is to bring light to some of these facts. The FED has handed out over $16 Trillion to private banks and corporations in the past 4 years and NONE of this was addressed in the mainstream news nor was it approved of by the people. This is clearly a red flag!! Look at these reputable links below that PROVE my statements are true, and spread them around.

Dont allow these protestors sacrifices to be in vain!!

Forbes Article on the $16 Trillion bail out:

Unelected.orgs reporting on the $16 Trillion with many more links to information:

Senator Bernie Sanders report on the $16 Trillion:

The GAO report on which organizations funds were allocated to (see page 131):

The Full report on GAO.gov:

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